The cradle of humanity challenged by poverty and a continent with the greatest potential – helping children in Africa
Africa is the cradle of humanity, but today it is unfortunately also the world's poorest continent. Colonialism, civil wars, corruption and unfair trading conditions have been particularly devastating for the sub-Saharan regions. Nearly 50 percent of the population there lives below the poverty line and has to try to make a living on less than $1.25 a day.
This dire poverty has many serious consequences, especially for children. Ten percent of girls and boys die before the age of five, and six percent don't even live to see their first birthday. Twenty-six million people in sub-Saharan Africa are infected with HIV, including three million children.
HIV and hunger, but also hope
A good education is one of the most important means of improving one's standing in life, is in short supply in Africa. Only 30 percent of young people between the ages of 15 and 24 can read and write. Only one in three children attend school. Instead, 27 percent of children have to work to help their families survive.
One particularly pressing problem in sub-Saharan Africa is the brutal tradition of genital mutilation: forty percent of women are circumcised; and this figure is even reached 97 percent in Somalia. Children suffer from many other forms of violence and exploitation, ranging from early marriage and sexual violence to being sold into slavery or the sex trade.
But there is also hope. Many of Africa's problems have been alleviated in recent decades. The mortality rate of children under the age of five, for instance, has been nearly halved since 1990. Improvements in health care and educational opportunities have been introduced.
Our work in Africa
Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world. We are mobilising people’s ability to help themselves, especially women.
More about the country
Enock Dlamini: The situation of children in Eswatini
More about the country
More about the country
An HIV/AIDS education programme, educational opportunities for children and self-help groups are just some of our focal points in Malawi. You can find out more about the situation and our work in the country here.
Malawi: When the village is involved, education works out
Malawi: Bullying at school and violence at home
Malawi: Trouble with the Child Rights Council if you don't send your child to school
Rwanda is still struggling to come to terms with the consequences of the genocide in the 1990s. In self-help groups victims and perpetrators work together to overcome poverty and the trauma of the atrocities committed.
Uganda's economy is booming, but the country's poor have hardly benefited from this upswing. Our projects pave the way for children and their families to free themselves from poverty.
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South Africa
South Africa has made enormous progress in recent years. But the daily life of the black population is still marred by poverty, unemployment, HIV/AIDS and a lack of educational opportunities.
Zambia has one of the lowest life expectancies in the world. We are working to combat poverty, child labour, malnourishment and the spread of AIDS.
Zimbabwe has one of the highest AIDS prevalence rates in the world. 1 million children are orphans. Our work focuses on educating and supporting orphans.